
Minority Group Distributes Flyer Charging Injustices

He said the group will distribute anotherpacket of information today or tomorrow.

In a letter sent to Police Chief Paul E.Johnson, BSA called for the "immediate dismissal"of a House security guard who allegedly ignoredthe cries of two Black women "who were beingaccosted by five naked, white boys yellingsexually explicit comments." One of the studentswas then falsely accused of possessing a knife andfrisked, the flyer said.

The BSA also cited two recent incidents inwhich Black men were stopped by Harvard Police.

"This suggests an attitude that police can'tbelieve that Black students go here," Ali said.

Johnson declined to comment on the specificcases, but said the Harvard Police is sensitive toBlack students.


"There is no anti-Black sentiment that I see,"he said. "Most things are perceptions and we needto sit down and talk about them."

Johnson plans to meet with members of BSA andAssistant Dean for Race Relations and MinorityAffairs Hilda Hernandez-Gravelle next Thursday .

BSA also condemned the Peninsula forflyers" which advertised a lecture entitled "SpadeKicks: A Symposium on Modernity and the Negro as aParadigm of Sexual Liberation."

The poster pictured a Black woman stripping infront of a white audience.

At the request of College officialsPeninsula removed the flyers and replacedthem with posters without the picture and theoriginal title.

Former BSA President Mecca J. Nelson '92 calledthe poster "not only intellectually irresponsiblebut blatantly racist... nothing less then hatespeech."

Because the College lacks a hate speech policy,Peninsula is able to mask its racism underFirst Amendment rights, she said. "We do notbelieve that racist hate speech directed againstBlack students has merited equal consideration inmatters of this kind."

Christopher G. Vergonis '92, senior councilmember of Peninsula, said the magazine doesnot discriminate against Blacks.

"Mr. Ali's comments are ridiculous," he said."Our attitude towards Blacks is no different thanour attitude to all other individuals."

Vergonis said BSA misunderstood the flyer,saying the speakers are condemning the "writeliberals of the 1960s who portrayed Black as amodel of sexual liberation in order to advancetheir own political agenda."
