
U.C. Discusses Date Rape Cases

Recommends Students on Ad Board

The council also endorsed mandatory workshopsto instruct first-year students about date rape.

Tabak, who sponsored the bill to remove daterape cases from Ad Board jurisdiction, said courtshave more experience and knowledge in handlingthese kind of cases.

Tabak said that out of the 2685 cases broughtbefore the Ad Board, only six involved allegationsof date rape. Tabak argued that the University'sinexperience in dealing with date rape makes it apoor judge.

"Clearly, the handling of rape cases by the AdBoard is bound to be hampered by the infrequencyof its involvement in such cases," Tabak stated inthe resolution. "Harvard should let the courtsystem do its job while Harvard does its job."

But some objected to sole reliance on the courtsystem, arguing that the Ad Board must deal with ahigher standard of behavior that is unique to theHarvard community.


"The Ad Board may not be legal scholars, butthey're adequate judges of behavior for theHarvard campus," Anagnostopoulos said. "The AdBoard has the right to decide cases that occurwithin the institution.
