
Colleague Backs Up Family's Charges Against Psychiatrist

Says Doctor Told of Erotic Feelings for Patient

"If the board had acted faster, Paul could havestayed alive," she said. "I'm upset that the boardbasically did nothing."

She said she was involved in treating Lozanobetween 1987 and his death in 1991. She saidLozano told her in a long meeting in January 1991that he had been having sex with Bean-Bayog for a"number of years."

"Paul said he felt 'ashamed, embarrassed,dirty,'" she said in the affidavit. "He describedtheir relationship as 'kinky.' I asked why he felthe had to have this relationship with her and hesaid he wasn't paying her very much."

"Paul also told me that Dr. Bean-Bayog sharedher erotic fantasies with him and asked him to actthem out with her and that they did," theaffidavit said.

Stromsten said Lozano felt "totally rejected"after Bean-Bayog terminated her relationship withhim to adopt a baby. "I asked him if he loved Dr.Bean-Bayog and he said he was very much in lovewith her."


In a statement issued yesterday, Bean-Bayogagain denied that she had sex with Lozano andquestioned Stromsten's credibility.

"I continue to have my reputation raped by thecalculated actions of people who have a financialinterest in distorting the truth to theiradvantage. No male therapist has ever been thesubject of such an assault," she said.

"I do not believe that Ms. Stromsten has anybasis for an adequate assessment of Mr. Lozano'scharacter, mental condition or the truthfulness ofhis statement."

Stromsten said she has no financial stake inthe case and will not receive money from anysettlement. "I'm losing money because in order tofile the affidavit; I had to cancel patients," shesaid.

Lozano's family has gathered an unusually largeamount of evidence against Bean-Bayog, includingthousands of pages of notes allegedly in herhandwriting. Among the documents are flashcardsand written sexual fantasies.

Bean-Bayog said the fantasies were transcriptsof her dreams and never intended to be seen byLozano. She said Lozano broke into her Lexington,Mass. office and stole the papers along with hishospital records.

The Lexington Police Department has no recordof a break-in reported by Bean-Bayog except for areport of a jewelry larceny in 1990-91, accordingto Lt. Steven Corr.

Michael L. Blau, Bean-Bayog's attorney, couldnot be reached to comment on the affidavit butearlier in the day said Bean-Bayog did not reportthe break-in because that would violatedoctor-patient confidentiality
