
Bass Drum To Receive Complete Overhaul

Hwang expressed concern for Harvard's dearth ofschool spirit, pointing out that most Harvardstudents do not know the lyrics of "10,000 Men ofHarvard," the College's fight song.

Hwang said that at many games, Harvardspectators fail to sing along with the band andparticipate in their cheers.

"At away games, [the band members] get reallylonely," he said.

One of the band's most important mission is toreverse flagging school spirit, Hwang said.

Band officers will express their concerns aboutschool spirit to Harvard administrators, Hwangsaid, adding that he hopes the administrators andstudents can come together to brainstorm ideas forboosting school morale.


"The band aspires to rebuild spirit in theHarvard community," Hwang said
