
Harvard Doctor Defends Conduct

Denies Charges by Patient's Family

The family has collected letters and noteswhich it says were written by Bean-Bayog toLozano. One mentions "phenomenal sex."

Bean-Bayog said that comment was taken from aflash card intended to combat his depression. Shesaid the reference to "phenomenal sex" was astatement Lozano "desired to have from, and wasattributing to, his then girlfriend."

The state board referred the case to theDivision of Law Appeals, an independent stateagency that will conduct a formal hearing.

The Division of Law Appeals has the power tofine Bean-Bayog, revoke her license, or make arecommendation to the medical board, saidChristopher F. Connolly, the agency's director.

The Medical School will wait for the outcome ofthe state investigation before making a finaldecision on Bean-Bayog's status, said SuzanneRauffenbart, associate dean for public affairs.


Rauffenbart said the University will notconduct its own investigation of the case
