
On the Beat:

HUPD Officers Brave Long Hours, Doughnut Stereotypes to Make Harvard a Safer Place

At another stop, Kordis loaned a cassette tape to a rookie officer on a walking beat inside Harvard Yard.

And of course, a dynamic duo would not be complete without the occasional friendly sparring.

"The rookie is always asking, `What do I do next?'" Kotowski says.

"The rookie is always the better looking one," retorts Kordis.

Asked how they felt about having to watch over college students, the officers say they have found Harvard students to be "a pretty good bunch of kids."


"We're not that much older," says Kotowski. "We kind of know where they're coming from. As long as you give [students] respect, they will respect you back."

Harvard students generally abide by requests from the police, the officers say.

"99.99 percent of the time people are mature enough to see our point," Kotowski says. "We're not here to break up parties. We just want to make sure that one person's fun is not another person's headache."

So far, Kotowski's most memorable experience as an HUPD officer has been an incident that he witnessed near the Radcliffe Quad.

Kotowski, who was out of uniform, encountered a group of students even further from appropriate dress than him.

"Five students streaked by," Kotowski says. "I wasn't going to tackle them. Had I been in uniform, I would've had to stop them."

"I don't think they had their I.D.'s on them at the time, though," he adds.
