
Quayle Stumps for Bush in Mass.

Weld Helps Campaign as Vice President Assails Democrats

The vice president also called for congressional term limits, saying many members of Congress are "totally out of touch with reality."

If limiting the terms of Bush and Ronald Reagan was "good for the nation," Quayle said, "Then it is certainly good for the nation to limit to two terms people like Senator Ted Kennedy," referring to the fifth-term Democratic senator from Massachusetts.

Outside the rally, a mish-mash of protesters, including Brown, Buchanan and Ralph Nader supporters, held signs and chanted slogans.

Several times during Quayle's speech, some of the protesters pounded on the closed doors of the room on the second floor of Quincy Market's central building where the rally was held.

And three Buchanan supporters brought the protest inside with sings advertising their candidate.


When security confiscated the signs, a prolonged, muffled but audible argument ensued between the men and several campaign aides.

Ted Marivelias, a 23-year-old Danvers, Mass. resident who carried one of the signs, protested the group's expulsion, citing a Massachusetts' open meeting law.
