

Choose Tsongas


Tsongas realizes that America cannot continue to divide a shrinking pie. "Democrats must get in the business of wealth creation," he has insisted. He recognizes the Democratic party's fatal contradiction of claiming to be pro-jobs while lashing out at American business.

To reduce the deficit he would enact a flexible freeze requiring the freezing of funding for less critical programs (bombers or submarines) if the cost of critical ones (education and safety net programs) are raised.

A Tsongas administration would also encourage and invest heavily in research and development--a key to our long-term success that has been largely ignored in recent years.

Tsongas recognizes a desperate need for cooperation among business, labor and government, as opposed to the old confrontational methods. Here again he is willing to take the critical step.

And Tsongas record on gay rights and a woman's right to choose has remained consistently stellar. It has not been modified over the last few years as has Clinton's.


Clinton has shamelessly gone on the attack while offering inadequate explanations for his sordid past. Much of his support stems from the belief that only a Southerner can win the South. But American people aren't just looking for a regional candidate--they're looking for meaningful moral and fiscal change in government.

In order to reinvigorate our economic base while maintaining liberal social values, we need Paul Tsongas in the White House. He has a economic and socially sound plan for our future and he is someone we can trust. Paul Tsongas deserves our votes.
