
Square Dancing at MIT

Indeed, there are even computer programs whichprogram dance combinations. But the idea of BigBrother as square dance caller does not appeal tomost.

Despite the strong left-brain bias of TechSquares, there is certainly a more right-brainedappeal to the club. The music is especiallynoteworthy; it is selected from a wide range ofsources and is really somewhat bizarre.

One night Beck spun such tunes as "Ob la di, Obla da," "All of Me," an old Elvis tune, as well asthe traditional favorites like "Amarylla ByMorning."

The social aspect of the club is an importantfacet, and the fledgling square dancer must bewilling to make the appropriate and necessaryeffort. Quoting from a handout on square danceetiquette:

Square dancing is an active yet intimateactivity SO USE ADEQUATE DEODORANT AS WELL ASTOOTHPASTE AND/OR MOUTHWASH.  ***


We don't pair up and dance with the samepartner all evening. Share the wealth andcirculate!  ***

And finally a word to the wise from the bookSquare Dancing: The Other Stuff!

Square dancing is a way to have good, cleanfun without the need to lower your inhibitions.And think about this: how would you like it if anout of control dancer in the square wasuncontrollably swinging your spouse?

If you can comply with the above rules(it may be a stretch), follow a beat, can dealwith a certain age gap between you and yourpartner and like watered-down country western,square dancing could be for you. It may not be adown and dirty dance club, but Tech Squares hasplenty to offer if you get a kick out of do sado's, promenades and a jaunt through the M.I.T.campus.PhotoLily J. WoundThe subtle joy of square dancing.
