
Republican Club Chooses First Female President

Elections Marked by Allegations of Voting Fraud in Vice Presidential Race

"I'm a first-year," he said. "I don't thinkthey like first-year students who jump out of theback row and do something."

Some of Fine's student supporters agreed thatthe rumor of cheating hurt the candidate'scampaign.

"The reason I thought Randy Fine lost [lastnight] was that the rumors that he bought voteswere more widespread than it appeared," said N.Van Taylor '96.

However, Fred A. DeCaro '93, the RepublicanClub official in charge of the elections, saidlast night that he had not heard of theallegations and that the election was open andfair.

Woods said he did not believe the rumorsaffected the vote, since the election's resultswere very lopsided.


Fine's other opponent, Steven Y. Ko '95, saidhe had heard the charge but did not believe it.

"Randy's a fine person," said Ko. "I've workedwith him for the past few months. If it's true, itis very disturbing."CrimsonChris TernoeyRANDALL A. FINE

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