
They Are Just Kids

Games People Play

I'm not trying to preach. Hey, I was glued to the TV myself this week during the Duke-Michigan game.

But, over the last few years college sports has become a multi-million dollar business, with large television contracts and endorsement deals for coaches. And a lot of corruption. Good players are offered money, favors and anything they want if they can just play the game.

Even in legal situations, players are thrust into the national spotlight and dissected in sports pages coast to coast in the morning. Somewhere along the line, the fact that these athletes are kids, not adults, seems to have been forgotten.

In a few weeks, college sports will hit its peak. Hockey will be grabbing attention and basketball even more.

And football. If you think your town gets crazy over college bowls, come to the South during Christmas. It's quite a sight to see. For over a week, a good part of national attention will focus on college rankings. Who won the Rose Bowl? What's the point spread on the Sugar Bowl? And who, damn it, is really No. 1?


I'm not asking for an end to parades and sports fanatacism. I am asking for a little sensibility and maybe even some compassion.

Before you scream at the guy on "your" team who just missed the game-winning kick, remember that he isn't a hero--he's just another college student. And there, but for height, aim or the grace of God, could go you.

Marion B. Gammill is a Crimson staff writer.

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