
Harvard Unions Distribute Letters

Shattuck also disputed a claim in the unionletter that managers at the Office of theUniversity Publisher failed to remedy dangerousworking conditions that workers brought to theirattention. Shattuck said the University Publisherwas never notified of the safety violations beforea federal inspection found the problems.

But Hirtle said he and other workers repeatedlyasked a joint labor-management safety committee tofix safety problems and only brought in thefederal Occupational Safety and HealthAdministration after facing frustration.

"We had brought problems to them constantly andthey just hadn't done anything about it," Hirtlesaid.

Hirtle said the safety committee has since beenre-invigorated, and Shattuck said the violationsfor which Harvard was fined $12,500 were quicklycorrected.

The letter also said administrators have failedto comply with requests from Harvard policeofficers for a more clear definition of "publicsafety risks." Shattuck said the question is beingreviewed by the University general counsel'soffice.


The letter from the coalition of unions wasdoor dropped by students in the undergraduateHarvard-Radcliffe Labor Alliance. The group addeda cover letter inviting students to a talktonight. They are planning a petition drive afterThanksgiving to support the union, an organizersaid
