
Image Is Everything

At a time when trust in government is at an all time low, the Undergraduate Council is trying to remake itself.

LaRocke, who has criticized last year's council sharply over the past few weeks, says that the council is "incredibly divided," and criticized it for focusing on political issues instead of student life.

Despite campaign promises made by many of last year's candidates to stay away from political issues, the council became embroiled in a number of controversial debates that have lured the body far from its mandate, some of this year's candidates say.

Both LaRocke and David L. Duncan '93, who also intends to seek the council's stop position, said the council should steer away from political issues and concentrate more on service and improving student life.

The council's debate on ROTC, an issue President Neil L. Rudenstine requested the body to discuss, produced a split vote with on clear mandate.

The body narrowly voted to maintain the status quo of an off-campus ROTC program.


Another issue the council tackled was date rape. Under the guidance of Heinicke, the body approved a definition of date rape that was more narrow than the College-sponsored Date Rape Task Force's.

The council also created a controversial special category called "sexual negligence," in which consent is not explicitly obtained before intercourse.

As election days approach and the campaigning begins to get more heated, some council members warn voters to beware of individuals who are too quick at pointing the finger.

"Part of J.D.'s [LaRocke] role as publicity chair should have been to increase the student's awareness as to what the U.C. does," said Gin Lo '95, a council member last year and currently a candidate at Winthrop House.

"If he feels that the U.C. was not well publicized, then I would say that he did not fulfill his responsibilities," she said.

Students will have an opportunity to elect their representatives through their dining rooms. The candidates elected will vote for council chair at their first meeting scheduled for October 18.
