
Myron B. Fiering '56 Dies of Heart Attack at Age 58

World-Renowned Hydrologist Was Head Tutor of Applied Mathematics and Engineering Sciences

Fiering taught a number of courses in theEngineering Sciences and Applied Physicsdepartment, including Engineering Science 162,"Hydrology," Engineering Sciences 102,"Introduction to Operations Research," EngineeringSciences 206, "Probability Models," and twograduate courses on hydrologic models and timeseries.

A native of New York City, Fiering was anundergraduate resident of Kirkland House. Hereceived his M.S. in engineering sciences in 1958.

After receiving his Ph.D. in 1960 from Harvard,Fiering served as assistant professor ofengineering at the University of California at LosAngeles for one year.

He returned to Harvard in 1961, becoming aresearch fellow in environmental engineering and alecturer on applied math before being appointedassistant professor. In 1969, he was grantedtenure.

A memorial service will be held today at 10a.m. at Temple Beth El in Sudbury, where Fieringlived until he recently moved to Cambridge. AHarvard memorial service is being planned, but nodate has been set yet.


Fiering is survived by his wife Jill and twodaughters, Suzie and Lisa
