
Tsongas Adds Style to Stump

Infuses Substance With Humor, Passion in N.H. Campaign

DURHAM, N.H.--Charisma is a tough quality to learn. But after 10 months on the campaign trail, Democratic candidate for president Paul E. Tsongas might finally be catching on.

After taking months of criticism for his substantive but dull manner, Tsongas is adding a little style.

A standing room only crowd of more than 500, far larger than expected, packed an auditorium at the University of New Hampshire here Monday to hear Tsongas deliver a departure from his usual "stump speech." In it, he called for a renewed sense of "purpose in America."

Tsongas appeared to make a concerted effort to replace his familiar substance-over-style approach with a more impassioned and often humorous, self-deprecating technique.

Commenting on the large crowd which spread to both sides of the stage, for example, Tsongas noted, "This is very awkward because in order to be heard I have to speak out of both sides of my mouth."


And to demonstrate that all people face adversity in life, he described his childhood.

"I lived in a very disadvantaged home," Tsongas said. "Both my parents were republicans."

Paul Tsongas is not a completely changed man, however. There were moments--such as when he coughed directly into the microphone and took excruciatingly long pauses in his speech--when Tsongas seemed to lack the polish of an ordinary presidential candidate.

Ironically, that roughness around the edges, coupled with his clear stands on the issues, seems to be a large part of Tsongas's appeal.

As of today, Tsongas is vying with Arkansas Gov. Bill Clinton for the top spot in New Hampshire polls. With one of the most organized campaigns in the state, Tsongas could easily win the primary, now less than three weeks away.

While many say the 1988 campaign dwelt too often on the public image of the candidates involved, Tsongas has tried to lead the '92 candidates in focusing on ideas. His Call to Economic Arms, an 86-page position paper, offers the most comprehensive printed analysis of issues by any candidate.

"He comes across as a real guy," said Sean R. Lauer, a graduate student in sociology at UNH. "Paul seems to be the only one who is down toearth and isn't looking to impress anyone," saidJayne Marcucci, a UNH first-year who joinedTsongas's campaign the day before the speech.

That unpresumptuous style of politics has drawnmany to Tsongas, who was the only candidate in therace for several months after he announced hiscandidacy in April of last year.

Nick Valcanas, the owner of Nick DeTini'srestaurant in downtown Nashua, N.H., put a Tsongassign in his window the day before the 50-year-oldformer member of Congress announced.

"This guy had the vision to know that thiscountry had a problem," Valcanas explained.

Valcanas offers customers a tableful of Tsongasliterature, including brochures, bumper stickers,and copies of A Call to Economic Arms. Heencourages the many customers talking politics totake copies of the paper, which Tsongas wrotebefore he announced his candidacy.

"This guy has the intelligence and the abilityto know what needs to be done," Valcanas said."He's not just a showman."

Tsongas, like every other candidate exceptBush, has benefited from widespreaddissatisfaction with the recession and America'shealth care problems.

"It's a shame that somebody can work 40 yearsof their life and lose everything they own becausethey get sick for six months, " said Don Girouard,a barber in Nashua since 1953. He called Tsongas"one of the few that I would vote for."

In his UNH speech, Tsongas, too, criticizedGeorge Bush and his administration, evokinglaughter when he reminded the crowd of one ofbush's campaign promises.

"All I have to do is say "George Bush as theenvironmental president' and it's a laugh line,"Tsongas said. "That's said."

Tsongas also hammered Bush for hisanti-abortion stance, saying the president was"placating the Reagan right" and calling theposition "a Faustian bargain."

Tsongas has taken liberal positions on mostissues, including the environment and abortionrights. However, he calls himself "pro-business"and supports more conservative economic policies,including a capital gains tax cut like the oneproposed by bush Tuesday night in his State of theUnion address. he also supports the death penalty.

A Sense of Purpose

Monday's speech, however, focused on Tsongas'sbelief that America has lost its sense of purpose,and his promise that, as president, he would tryto restore it.

"What I want to do in this campaign is set astandard for what this country is about," Tsongassaid.

Tsongas described his vision of America byciting an incident from his Peace Corps experiencein 1962. He said that while traveling in Ethiopia,he entered the small grass house of a nativecitizen. Inside the house, Tsongas saw twopictures on the wall: one of Ethiopian EmperorHaile Selassie, the other of President John F.Kennedy '40.

"We stood for something--there was purpose inAmerica," Tsongas said. "It's not Democrat orRepublican. It's that you stand for something."

Tsongas also addressed what many have calledhis biggest barrier to election--his similarity to1988 Democratic nominee Michael Dukakis.

"When I got into this race, it was not becauseI thought the earth was crying for a Greekdemocrat from Massachusetts to run," Tsongasacknowledged. He said, however, that he was proudof his Greek heritage and that he wouldn'tapologize for being from Massachusetts until Bushapologized for being born there.

Supporters say they think Tsongas's perceivedlack of charisma may not prove as damaging as ithas been for candidates in the past.

"He may not have the charisma that the countrywas looking for in the '80s," said Marcucci, thecampaign volunteer. "[But now] I think people arelooking for someone who can do something.
