
Celebration Begins With Arts

Ma, Morrison Perform at Inauguration Festivities

"It is about time for the seventh inning stretch," Bellow said. "But I am strengthened by last week's Senate hearings, where people sat longer than they will have to tonight."

The evening culminated with a performance by premier cellist Yo-Yo Ma '76.

Ma played Bach's Suite No. 5 in C minor for the unaccompanied cello.

Audience Reaction

Audience members lauded the performances and said that the evening was a great kick-off to the inauguration events.


"It was splendid, absolutely marvelous," said Dean of the Faculty Jeremy R. Knowles.

Dean of Students Archie C. Epps III said that the evening showed an "extraordinary range of talents" and was an opportunity to showcase what the University is supposed to be about.

"It is a sign of things to come," Epps said.

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