
The Streak's Over For Stickwomen

UConn Drops Crimson in Double OT

In the last five minutes, UConn controlled the ball, with five corners in a row, but couldn't change the scoreboard.

Breathing a sigh of relief, the Crimson went into the first 10-minute overtime.

The teams battled up and down the field, butcame out empty-handed after the first OT.

In the second sudden-death OT, the ball slippedinto the Crimson end right away, and after twocorners, UConn pounded the ball in, ending thegame with 4:31 left.

"We channeled them pretty well," said Harvardgoalie Lisa Yadao. "They just hit big balls andwere very aggressive. On the last goal this girlcame through--no one knew where she came from, butshe just got in."


"Sometimes the better team doesn't always win.All it takes is one little touch," Caples said."How many opportunities did we have duringovertime? A zillion. They came down, got a corner,got the second shot off, and popped it in."

Still, UConn is a contending team year afteryear, and the Crimson expected a tough, closegame. Last year's 2-1 loss didn't leave Harvardwith any delusions, but it did leave it with hope.

"We expected them to be very good," Van Dykumsaid. "But I think we were all disappointed by howwe played. We really thought we had a chance tobeat them. Even during the game we had a lot ofchances. It just takes one shot to go in

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