

Games First-Years Play

"It's all right, I guess. But you always have the same conversations, you know, like where do you live, where did you go to high school, do you know so-and-so..."

"Yeah, I know what you mean. It's so stupid...[Silence]...So, where do you live?"

"Here or at home?"

The Orientation Week conversation games will soon be over, for better or worse. Enjoy the bobbing and weaving of skin-deep conversations while you still can. Profound responses to age-old questions will be expected from you soon enough.

And keep in mind this paraphrase of a famous quote from acting Dean of the Faculty Henry Rosovsky, "You will be a first-year student for a year. You will be at Harvard for four years. Orientation Week will be here forever. And the conversations will always be the same."


Jason M. Solomon '93 lives in Quincy House. He comes from Ridgewood, N.J. He went to Ridgewood High School. He doesn't know Kate Lindsay.
