
Council Cuts Short Grants Distribution

Loses Quorum After Doling Out $21,000

The council eventually voted to give the groupthe recommended money.

In another controversial grant, the councilvoted 24-20 to give Cookin', a student nightclubbased in Cabot House, $550 despite a motion toeliminate the funding put forward by SocialCommittee Chair Bonni N. Grant '92.

Grant argued that since the social committeehad already given Cookin' $910, as well as a $275loan, the group should be ineligible for financecommittee's funds.

"I think that they did come to socialcommittee, and we made it clear that if they needmoney after that they should come back to socialcommittee," Grant said.

But finance committee members said they hadtaken into account the social committee's actionsand still felt that the group deserved more money.


"We had the exact same debate in financecommittee," said finance committee member LewisKitchin '92. "The justification for what we didwas that the group was not informed that theyshould come to only one group."

Representatives of Diaspora, a Blackcultural magazine, and Dance Company also managedto obtain more money than the finance committeehad recommended through controversial motions fromthe floor.

In other business, Subramanian announced thatPresident Derek C. Bok will attend next Sunday'scouncil meeting to speak and answer questions
