
Germans Celebrate Unification

At Harvard, Students and Scholars Express Hope

Among the most emotional appearances was aspeech by Angelika Voelkel, a German diplomat. Shetold more than 60 people in Adams House LowerCommon Room that the new Germany is symbolic ofthe new Europe.

"As Europe was divided and that division wasshown in Germany, so now Europe is united and thatunity is shown in Germany."

Some who attended the gathering at the KennedySchool expressed anxiety over the potential costof reunification, but most said that such concernswere overblown.

"There has been too much talk...about economicthings...and the value of objects," saidsecond-year M.P.A. candidate Wolfram Krohn, andnot enough about "the value of democracy, humanrights, and the rule of law."

And Maier told his audience not to worry toomuch, and to simply relish the moment.


" will have worries aboutintegrating your new country," Maier said. "Fortoday, enjoy the achievement.
