
Cambodian Peace Talks Split

Khmer Rouge's Future Role Seems the Main Roadblock

His words reflected the measured optimism expressed by all speakers at the huge rectangular table at the International Conference Hall, a block from the Arc de Triomphe.

Sihanouk singled out China as the linchpin.

"China can do a lot. China can choose to stick with Khmer Rouge. It is for China to decide," he said.

Reflecting his fragile alliance with the Khmer Rouge, Sihanouk pointed to the communist ultras as a major stumbling block to peace and reminded journalists that they killed five of his children and 14 grandchildren during their reign of terror.

Western conference sources said that while it may be impossible to reconcile the Cambodian parties in Paris, progress could be achieved on forming an international body to monitor the Vietnamese pullout.


Several ministers, including those of China, Australia and Japan, backed a recommendation by U.N. Secretary-General Javier Perez de Cuellar to dispatch a "reconnaissance mission" to Cambodia immediately to lay the groundwork for an "international control mechanism."

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