
Saying Goodbye to a Coaching Legend

Squash' and Tennis' Dave Fish

Besides coaching the teams during the week, his weekends were taken by traveling with the squash team in the fall and the tennis team during the spring.

"Traveling played a big part in my decision," Fish says. "I wanted to se more of my life and my children. I love coaching and I love my family. I didn't want to lose one or the other. Your children only grow up once."

Fish's decision may have been easier since his squash teams have accomplished everything that other coaches can only dream about. His next challenge: reestablish the tennis team as an eastern powerhouse.

When he took over the squash program 13 years ago, Fish was replacing one of the greatest coaches ever in Barnaby.

"I found that taking over after Jack Barnaby, virtually every letter I got said something like, 'Good luck in filling the biggest shoes around,'" Fish told The Crimson in 1976 after taking over the program. "So I replied that I have only one place to go, and that's down. And sure enough...."


He was wrong.

Fish has an amazing record. During his 13 years as the squash coach, he has compiled a 124-9 record, suffering only one non-Ivy loss during his tenure. In 1976, the Crimson lost to Western Ontario, 5-4.

Fish's squads have won seven national championships, eight Ivy titles, seven six-man titles and three five-man championships. The seven other current Ivy League coaches have combined for five Ivy and national titles.

"Fish taught me everything I know," Harvard Co-Captain Frank Huerta said. "Last year I didn't know how to hit a three-wall. But this year, he took me aside and taught me how to hit one. Now I've been acussed of using a three-wall excessively. He's the master technician of the game."

The Early Years

His first years as coach were successful, but they weren't up to Harvard squash standards. During his first three seasons, he led his teams to a combined 24-5 record.

But the title went to Princeton each of those three seasons. It wasn't until 1980 that Fish won his first national championship.

"I loved it," Fish says, referring to his 13 years as head coach. "I think we really did get the program back to the standard that Jack Barnaby and Harry Cowles [Harvard's coach from 1922-37] established."

"Fishy always taught us about the art of the kill," Huerta said. "He told us that when we're on the court, we should act like surgeons using razors and nick our opponent to death."

"I think his plan should be updated or revised," Huerta said. "Based on my own emperical observations, you have to use a chainsaw. You should go for the big kill."

"He's done an excellent job," Harvard Co-Captain Doug Lifford said. "There's no doubt that he's the best coach in college squash."

"How can I talk about the true master of masters without falling short in one way or another," sophomore George Polsky said. "He has redefined our concept of what a true renaissance man should be. He is the Houdini/Handel man of the squash world. One time, I believe, in the early '70s, he took a team comprised of three football players, two basketball players and four dancers--all of whom have never touched a squash racquet before--all the way to a national championship. In a nutshell, Dave, 'How the heck do you do it?'"

In a nutshell...There have been many good squash coaches over the years, but only a couple of great ones. Fish is one of the great ones.

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