
The Many Voices And Vocations Of Fiona

Fiona Anderson

If Harvard has been a launching pad for Anderson, it's almost succeeded too well. Faced with a musical/medical dichotomy, Anderson says that she must now decide whether or not to go to med school. "I've been so lackadaisical about it the whole thing, trying to put it off for as long as I can," Anderson says. "I'm going to take the MCAT's in the fall, and I'll be applying this summer."

If she does pursue a medical career, Anderson hopes to work with adolescents. "It's in my future, anyway," she says. "I think I could have a rapport with them. It's something they need at that very impressionable age."

But first, she must face the music. "I have a tentative recording contract right now in Atlanta," Anderson says. "But I'm looking into Los Angeles now to see if I can maybe get some connections there. I might take two months and go to Atlanta and maybe see if I can get that together and then go to Los Angeles. I'm going to spread myself very thin."

While she has considered a solo album, Anderson says that for the time beginning she will concentrate on working with a group, perhaps one comprised of some friends and cousins. "In the gospel arena, there is a niche that needs to be filled by a female ensemble," she explains.

But no matter which road she takes, Anderson says, she will carry the legacy that Harvard gave her--self-assuredness.


"I've become confident in myself in voicing my opinion," Anderson says. "I used be afraid that people wouldn't like me or think that I was crazy because I said certain things. And now, I really don't care, because a lot can be done if you just simply stand up and say something."
