
Harvard Senior Pulled Off U.S. Bobsled Team

Officials of the United States BobsledFederation refused to comment.

In addition to challenging the legitimacy ofGault's selection, La Vigne questioned theimportance of such a switch because the alternateteam already has stronger pushers than the firsttwo sleds and would not need Gault.

Rather, La Vigne said, Gault was placed on thealternate team because that was the only one thecoach could put a racer on at the last minute. Hesaid that Gault could be promoted to a top sled,however, after being made a member of the team.

"I can foresee [the coaches] trying to put himon one of the two sleds," he said.

At this point, according to La Vigne, thedrivers of the top two sleds have refused to racewith Gault.


Colleagues Sad

La Vigne's colleagues at Harvard expresseddisappointment for the Kirkland Houseresident who had made the Olympics his goal formore than a year.

"Obviously we're very disappointed for him,"said Director of Track and Field Frank J.Haggerty, Jr. "I don't know how they justify doingsomething like this," he said.

"I just wish that the Bobsled Federation wouldbe up front and honest about this." Haggerty said."It really sounds to me like it's a ploy on theirpart to get publicity."

"It stinks like a political decision and Ithink it's an awful thing for the IOC to do," saidJames P. Russell '88, co-captain of the trackteam. "It's really a shame that the Olympicsshould be degraded to this level.
