
Gridders Slash Huskies, 27-24

Yohe Passes Harvard to Victory; Defense Swallows 'Bone

Sticking primarily to the ground attack, theWishbone scored 10 first quarter points beforeHarvard defenders began consistently to tackle theactual ball-carrier (instead of the three or fourdecoys on any given play). But the Crimson foughtback with 17 unanswered points in the wind-aidedsecond quarter.

Taking possession deep in its own territoryearly in the second frame, Harvard marched 84yards on nine plays for its first points of thecontest. Facing a third-and-long on the NU 17,Yohe scrambled around for his requisite dozenseconds before hurling the ball into a mass ofplayers at the goal line. Somehow, Lucas reachedinto the pack and snatched the ball.

"I don't know how the kid got the ball in thereon that play," Huskie Coach Paul Pawluk said.

The Crimson struck again less than two minuteslater following a North-eastern fumbled optionpitch. This time Yohe scrambled around and foundbacks Dave Bunning and Bob Glatz perilously closeto each other in the right corner of the endzone.

Yohe's toss sailed over Bunning's hands, butGlatz leaped and tipped the ball. Somehow, thesenior fullback kept his concentration on theball, and gathered in his own tip as he fell tothe ground.


Yohe's final TD pass was also his prettiest.With the ball sitting on the Northeastern 27, Yohefaded back left and found Barringer streakingleft-to-right towards the endzone. The junior QBled his receiver perfectly, and Barringer made anoutstanding one-handed grab to give Harvard a27-17 lead.

And so Harvard won its second consecutive gamein this thus-far surprising season. The bottomline for the Crimson is this: you only know howgood you are when you run into someone better.That hasn't happened to Harvard yet.CrimsonD. Jean GwthHarvard defensive end DON PETERSON (99)wraps up Northeastern quarterback JIM O'LEARY.Although the Huskies and their vaunted Wishbonescored the first 10 points of the game, they wereslowed down over the next three quarters.
