
Road to Judicial Board Marked by Compromise

While the Judicial Board is expected to breaknew trails on the frontiers of discipline the CRRwas specifically designed to uphold one Universityregulation, the Resolution on Rights andResponsibilities(RRR).

Approved by the Faculty in 1970, the RRRguarantees freedom of speech, movement andassembly and was designed in response to thepolitical protests of the Vietnam-era.

Spence said that the document has becomeoutdated. "It depends on the times you live,"Spence said, "when the document was made, protestswere more important." The RRR should be thought ofas a statement of principles of one area, Spencesaid, adding that the rights it protects are nomore important than others.

But the political issues which the RRRaddressed can not be made to vanish as easily as astudent-faculty committee.

Jewett said he thinks it is possible todiscipline protesters uncontroversially. He saidthat because the new body has a widerjurisdiction, disciplinary hearings for politicalprotest will not engender the conflict they havein the past when students charged that the CRR wasa poltical tribunal.


But the Judicial Board may have already lostits chance to discuss a major issue involvingpolitical protest. Spence has asked the Ad Board, notthe new body, to investigate the blockade twoweeks ago by members of the Southern AfricaSolidarity Committee. In doing so Spence said hehoped the Ad Board would review and develop aconsensus condemning blockades as a form ofprotest
