
Council to Advocate Student Tenure Input

Although some members of the faculty said thatassociate tenure will create an "overly stratifiedfaculty," this is not a "particulary compellingreason to forego reestablishing the tenuredassociate professorship," the report reads.

If the Committee on Undergraduate Educationvotes favorably on the proposal at their nextmeeting on March 19, it will then go before theFaculty Council. Pending its approval, there couldbe a vote by the full Faculty as soon as thisspring.

Although CUE postponed a vote last Thursday,some of the members there said that "if studentsfeel misrepresented, the [tenure] system should bechanged."

"We would be very disappointed if the argumentsin the report aren't enough to move the CUE tovote," said Council Chairman Richard S. Eisert'88. He said that the report "can only be asalutary mechanism."

In unrelated business, the council unanimouslyvoted for a campus-wide food survey to get studentinput on the quality of the food services. Thequestionaire, which will be paid for by FoodServices, asks students to select their favoritedining hall of ferings.


The council also voted unanimously toappropriate $156.50 for the printing costs ofpamphlets about "available wordprocessingfacilities" to be delivered at all undergraduatesuites.

The purpose of the pamphlets "is to inform theundergraduates of every possible wordprocessingfacility and when they can be used," said JenniferL. Lai '88
