
Sioux Ambush Icemen's Title Hopes

And Then, Silence; Lessons in Humility

Don't misunderstand me. These cheerleaders weren't like Bright's Favorite, Big A1.

These cheerleaders were like the ones you can find at your average high school football game. The eight-woman ensemble actually performed a dance routine between periods.

On the ice.

Harvard fans may be cheerful, even witty. But there's no way to compete against a show like that.

So, for the first time in a long, long while, Harvard fans were reduced to a state of stunned silence.


As the game ended, the Harvard fans gave the Harvard hockey team a standing ovation.

A perfect touch at the end of an imperfect evening.

And after being so defeated on so many fronts, were the fans pleased that they had trekked to Detroit?

"Oh yes," one said. "As much as anything, this is to say thanks to them. It's not often you get a 28-5 team."
