
Citystep: Dancing Up A Storm

"It's really wonderful to be working with the composers. That way the dance isn't a slave to the music," says Kripke.

Helping Town-Gown

Harvard administrators praise Citystep's effect on town-gown relations. "The students and the work they do in the community, including Citystep, are the most positive contribution Harvard can make to the community," says Jacqueline O'Neill, associate vice president for state and community affairs.

"They put a human face on Harvard, and that's the best way to do community relations," she says.

The Citystep organizers say they hope to capitalize on all of the good will. "We are looking with high hopes to the Cambridge community for future funding," says Berkman.


Citystep's present budget, which comes in at just under $6000 according to Berkman, relies heavily on grants from various Harvard organizations including the Public Service Fund and the Office for the Arts. They also raised more than $3000 this fall at a black tie ball for 900 at the Charles Hotel.

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