
No, It's Still Not Too Late

A Sampling of Jobs You Can Still Apply for

The Science Center of New Hampshire needs people to teach natural history classes. Most of the students will be elementary students. Applicants for the position should be at least juniors.

Contact: Dave Erler

Science Center of New Hampshire

P.O. Box 173

Holderness, NH 03245


Appel Farm

Music art, and dance instructors as well as photagraphers are needed for staff positions at this summer program. You must be at least 21. Room and Board is provided.

Contact: Appel Farm

R D 3 Box 532

Elner, N J 08318 Pay: $600 summer

Real Estate in New York

Grenadier Realty Corporation seeks summer interns to work in the New York area and learn about the real estate profession. The firm seeks undergraduates of all concentrations, not just economics.

Contact: Vernon Douglas

Assistant Vice President

Grenadier Realty Corporation

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