
The Top of Their Class

Barry Bausano

In addition to his school work and his wrestling Bausano has found time to lead Harvard's cheers in the fall, and was the head cheerleader this Autumn.

"I've been doing it since sophomore year and it is a great time," Bausano says.

None of Bausano's extra-wrestling involvement would have been possible at one of the wrestling factories of the midwest, where three practices a day are not unheard of Bausano credits his coach Johnny Lee with this flexibility. "He has a great understanding of what it takes to be an Ivy League wrester."

College scouts were not the only one to notice Bausano as a high school phenom, a Russia, wrestler coach who had defected from the USSR also recognized potential in Bausane.

"He defected from Russia when I was in my sophomore year in high school, and he ended up in Michigan. He was part of their national coaching staff and was a wrestler himself. He noticed me a the ate tournament, and I won a few close matches ten tout to a fourth place finish as a sophomore) and he decided he wanted to work with me."


This amazing twist to Bausano's successful, but up to that point normal wrestling career proved providential a the Russian drilled Bausano in the techniques which now form the core of his repertoire.
