
Stickwomen Swamp Big Green Barresi, Ersek Tally in Victory

Ersek, hovering inside the penalty stripe, got her stick on the ball and knocked it past Green goalie Nicki Demakis.

"I shot it right of the goal and Cindi was there to tip it in," Felsen said.

Barresi's goal late in the second half sealed the victory for Harvard.

Groome smacked a long pass through the Dartmouth defense--crowded around her on the right side of the field, trying frantically to regain possesion in order to score--to Barresi, who stood unguarded three-ft. from the Green goal.

It's All Over


The Dartmouth goalie scrambled to block Barresi's soft slapshot but saw it trickle past her and into the net.

The Crimson squad that played in the downpour Saturday has come a long way since its last game in the rain--a 3-0 drubbing at Northeastern.

"We're young and we keep getting better," Lamborghini said.

THE NOTEBOOK: Dartmouth fell to 1-2-1 in the League...Harvard has now won three of its last four....Before Ersek's goal, the stickwomen had never scored in the first half...Crimson midfielder Jane Grim, who missed the UMass game because of a leg injury, returned to action Saturday...Harvard had 12 penalty corners, Dartmouth had eight...Harvard took nine shots to Dartmouth's eight...Before Saturday, Harvard hadn't scored two goals in a game all year...Harvard's next game is Tuesday against the University of New Hampshire at Soldier's Field...Three of the Crimson's remaining six games are against Ivy teams.

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