
Yale Makes Contingency Plans As Workers Threaten to Strike

But he added that it was unlikely anything happening at Yale would greatly influence policy at Harvard if clerical workers here do organize.

"What we pay overridingly greatest attention to is conditions hare at Harvard," he said.

Back to Yale

Observers at Yale are uncertain whether an agreement will be reached by the deadline set by the union. Some point to last week's strike extension as a good sign, but time may be running out.

Talks this weekend stalled over job security, and major issues of wages and benefits have not yet been discussed. The union has backed off an earlier demand for a 50 percent wage hike, but is still asking for a 12 percent raise, while Yale is reportedly offering only 4 percent.


When the strike was postponed negotiators hoped to have agreed on a complete construct for the union to vote tomorrow night, but with many individual points remaining to be hammered out neither side has been able to propose one.

Last week. Yale agreed to give employees preference for other jobs within the university, and said that workers not joining the union must still pay union dues.

These negotiations are Local 34's first after being unified leaf spring. Yale officials said this was a minor stumbling block teacher they had nevger dealt with the union and had so work through all issues from scrunch. "Union organizers said they were very consociates of the fact that it was their first trip to the bargaining table and were determined to make a good showing.

"The negotiations are, "extremely important because they set the foundation of the union," said Bracket.

Students and Faculty

The union has solicited and received significant student and faculty support during the negotiations. Volunteers are staffing an information center, preparing a strike fund, publicizing the union's position, organizing rallies and passing out buttons and posters.

On Wednesday some students not with Yale President A. Bartlett Giamatti to express support for the union. They held a vigil outside the negotiation on Friday.

A women's vigil outside Giamatti's office is scheduled for 5:30 p.m. this afternoon, and a student rally is planned for 12:30 p.m. tomorrow. Organizers said they were planning the women's vigil because 90 percent of Local 34 members are women and many see the debate as a sex, discrimination issue bettors women statically are paid less than men.

"The people understand that the union cause is a just nature," said fourth year graduate student Dana Franks. "They see the union an real people and think the University is being unreasonable."

At a press conference on Wednesday students released a poll which showed that one third of them would honor union picket lines. "I have frankly been astonished at how little support there has been for the opposite side." Franks said.
