
Former B-Schooler Gets 10 to 20 Years For Choking Wife at Peabody Terrace

Princess Vaughn's parents attended the trial daily, dressed in black. They flew in from California on Wednesday for the sentencing.

Vaughn's father, William, also attended the trial every day, always sitting with his wife on the opposite side of the courtroom from the Johnses. Yesterday, he stared blankly at the bench and wept quietly after the sentence was read and his son was led from the courtroom.

"I feel numb. I'm stunned by the whole thing," William Vaughn said. "It's a low blow, but so is life." The father said he was worried about how his son would survive in the tough Walpole Prison.

"He has a very difficult time ahead of him," Reilly said of Vaughn after the sentencing.

Reilly said he was satisfied with the sentence, commenting, "Obviously I requested a higher sentence, but the judge's job is to listen to both sides... you can never quarrel with that."


"This is a classic case where nobody wins," said Vaughn's defense attorney Willie J. Davis. "If there is a more tragic case, I've never seen it."

Davis said he would need a few days to think about appending the case. He said he would probably file a request for appeal so he can obtain could transcripts to determine if there were any appealatic effort law.

You cannot by any stretch of the imagination say it was unfair" Davis said of the sentence.

Vaughn was originally charged with first degree murder but Barton early in the trial dropped then charged to recorded-degree murder. The jury found Vaughn guilty of the lesser charge of manslaughter which criteras process that can range from a suspended sentence to 20 years in jail.

Davis said Vaughn could be paroled in three years

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