
The Silver Screen

Law School Professors on TV

Second year law student Joi Huckaby has seen "Miller's Court," but didn't know Nesson ever had appeared on television. "He's just an approachable person," she says. "You'd never know if he'd been on TV; with Miller, you'd! now."

Whether or not he's approachable, and whether or not he ever returns to television. Nesson lectures as if he were performing. "When he lectures," Huckaby says, "someone could interrupt him, but no one does because everyone's usually so entranced by what he's saying. He's very entertaining and very theatrical," she concludes.

Miller thinks television makes him easier to approach. "TV is an extraordinarily intimate medium," he believes. "In class, I'm 50 feet away. On TV, my face fills the entire screen."

Nesson on TV:

I felt I was becoming a television person... It got to the point where people would ask me to come to do 'my act.'


Miller on TV:

I've spent 15 years examining the issue of privacy... and now I have none.
