
The Leisure of the Theory Class

* Personal Impressions, by Isaiah Berlin;

* Travels with My Aunt, by Graham Greene;

* Brothers Manns, by Nigel Hamilton;

* Letters, by Thomas Mann;

* Riders in the Chariot, by Patrick White.



1. Bernard Cohen. Thomas Professor of the History of Science, plans to re-read Michel Foucault's The Archaeology of Knowledge and plow through a tome or two of Sartre and Flaubert. But for an undergraduate not necessarily interested in chasing the history of science on every lazy afternoon, he chooses this septet, including three books by colleagues:

* The Winding Passage, by Daniel Bell, Ford Professor of Social Sciences;

* The Safety Net, by Heinrich Boll;

* The Mismeasure of Man, by Stephen Jay Gould, professor of Geology;

* The Growth of Biological Thought, by Ernst Mayr, professor of Zoology emeritus;

* Fin de Siecle Vienna, by Carl Schorske;

* The Portage to San Cristobal of Alt, by George Steiner;

* Diary, vol. 4, by Virginia Woolf.

