
Text of Dowling Committee Report

Residential Committee

Matters involving life in the Houses and in the Freshman dormitories. Items under the purview of this Committee would include the housing lottery, food and dining matters, and House and Freshman year facilities.

Social Committee

University-wide social events; coordination of House and Freshman dormitory events, Alumni and Faculty relations.

Student Services Committee


Matters related to student services and student organizations. Items under the jurisdiction of this committee would include health services, security, shuttle buses, libraries, and new student organizations.

We propose each committee elect a chairperson who will call regular meetings of the group and preside over them. The Educational Policy, Residential and Student Service Committees shall choose five of their members to serve on the corresponding student-faculty committees. We expect that each of these Council committees will work closely with its student-faculty counterpart.

Officers and Administrative Committee

We recommend that the Council elect four officers: a chairperson, vice-chairperson, secretary and treasurer. We believe it appropriate that the secretary and treasurer be members of the Communications and Finance Committee, since that Committee is charged with the secretarial and financial affairs of the Council. The chairperson and vice chairperson, on the other hand, may be members of any of the working committees and would not ordinarily be the chairperson of that committee. The chairperson and vice-chairperson will also be ex-officio members of all the working committees.

We recommend that the officers of the Council and the chairpersons of the working committees form an Administrative Committee, whose major tasks will be to plan agendas for the Council meetings, and to coordinate activities of the Council and its committees. In addition, the Administrative Committee should work closely with the Communications and Finance Committee in planning the budgets for the Council, for its committees and activities, in providing information concerning committee activities, and in disbursing Council funds.

Student-Faculty Committees

We propose three student-faculty committees each to be made up of ten members, five students and five faculty members. A student-faculty committee of this size appears optimal, based on the experience of CUE, and we see no reason why all three student-faculty committees proposed should not use this model.

The first of the student-faculty groups is the Committee on Undergraduate Education (CUE) which we propose operate as it presently does. Its faculty members are elected members of the Faculty Council, its student members are to be elected from the Educational Policy Committee of the Council. Its Chairman should continue to be the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education.

The second student-faculty committee will assume those responsibilities of the present Committee on Houses and Undergraduate Life (CHUL) that deal with the Houses and the Freshmen dormitories, including the review of the relevant parts of the College budget. We suggest it be called the Committee on Housing. We further suggest that it be chaired by the Dean of the College and that its faculty representatives be House Masters, elected by the Council of Masters. The student representatives for this committee would be elected from the Residential Committee of the Council. We suggest that they be distributed between representatives from three River Houses, one Quadrangle House and the Freshman dormitories. The Freshman Dean, or his delegate, should be a regularly invited guest at these meetings.

The third student-faculty committee will be concerned with those responsibilities dealing with college life that are presently under the jurisdiction of CHUL. We suggest that it be called the Committee on College Life, that it be chaired by the Dean of the College or Dean of Students and that its four faculty members be appointed by the Dean of the Faculty in consultation with the Faculty Council and Masters. We propose that at least one of the faculty members be a Master and we suggest that individuals such as the Director of the University Health Services would be appropriate appointees, as well as regular faculty members. We further suggest that administrators dealing with specific areas of student services of financial affairs be regularly invited guests. The five student members of this Committee would be elected from the Student Services Committee of the Council. This Committee also would review the relevant parts of the College budget.
