

Why Reaganomics Won't Work

Stealing from the Poor to Help the Rich

Democrats do not wish to be seen as disagreeing with every aspect of the Reagan economic policy. Some parts of the tax package, such as adjusting business taxes to compensate for inflation, have merit; so do cuts in price-support programs that harm the overall economy.

In general, however, we oppose the Republicans' tax and spending plans, for they violate even their own minimum, evenhanded standard. Instead, they offer us a future on continued economic hardship and increasing inequity. The only Americans that will surely benefit are the wealthy individuals, defense contractors and large corporations that have always formed the chief constituency of the Republican Party.

Even in these uncertain political times. Democrats remain committed to a different philosophy of government. As Edward Kennedy recently stated:

"The demand of our people is not for bigger government, or smaller government, but for better government. We cannot solve our problems by throwing money at them, but we also dare not throw our national problems onto a scrap heap of inattention and indifference.

"The poor may be out of political fashion, but they are not without human needs. The middle class may be angry, but they have not lost the dream that all Americans can advance together."


Guided by this spirit, our program of improved productivity, and budget and tax reform is designed above all else to improve the quality of life of poor and working Americans The task will not be easy, but we believe that the twin goals of a healthy economy and a fair society are within our grasp.

Jess Velona is a member of the Executive Committee of the Democratic Club.
