
I've Got A Secret (Or) Say It Ain't So, Joe

So now Joe's gettin' ready to excuse himself, 'cuz he's got meetings and all with the other coaches to go to. These guys, they're always meetin' about one thing or another. Probably has somethin' to do with that multiflex, you know, those funny formations of Joe's where everyone runs in different directions.

That Joe, he's an inventive one, alright. Nuthin' strightforward bout him. Gotta be different, a real devious sort, who doesn't say what he thinks nor thinks what he says. The kinda guy who gives you the once-over when he shakes you hand--and what a handshake it is--while all the time sizin' you up, as if you was the opposition or somethin'. Nah, he'd never admit it, but he's got it made this year.

I mean just look at what he's got. First there's Curry. At least a touchdown a game. Larry Hobdy, he can catch that football, too, and Davenport, he can wing it. So the offense--assuming that is, enough backs stay "durable" (just threw that in for you, Coach)--will score the points, while the defense beats up on the other side of the line.

Of course, the defense is the main strength, and it will have to give the offense a little time to mature as them coaches like to say, but all things considered, it could be a lot worse.

Check out the schedule for instance. The first four games, why, it's as if Joe made it out himself. Two non-league games, and while I ain't gettin' on nobody's case, Columbia and Cornell ain't exactly what you'd call the cream of the crop. At least not this year.


But anyway, where were we? Oh yeah. So Joe's fixin' to leave, and go see some movies or somethin', but before he does, he's gotta say a few things--part of his job I guess--about the league's powers, Yale and Brown.

Yeah, Joe says, they're the teams to beat, or somethin' like that. They gotta be reckoned with, since they won last year and all, so here's Joe reckonin' with 'em, but I know--since me and Joe are old buddies and we discussed these things in the past--I know that Joe's all happy inside.

He's just thinkin', yeah, we'll play it cozy for a little bit, let Yale and Brown get a little fat around the temples, but when the time comes, why Joe, he'll be ready for 'em. You just wait and see.

Now remember, don't you go tell nobody that you spoke to me, 'cuz if Joe finds out he'll get all huffy and puffy and he might never speak to me no more, O.K.? But come November, and Harvard's up there fighting for the title, and then later, when they win, you remember you just remember what I told you here today. You just remember that you heard it here first, that Harvard's gonna win it all this year.

I'll be seein' you now, O.K.?

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