
Renovations at the Quad Continue

$400,000-Worth This Summer

The Faculty spent approximately $400,000 this summer on the still-unfinished renovation of North and South Houses, in an effort begun last year to improve students' living quarters at the Quad.

House masters and administrators said yesterday they expect most of the renovations--which include rewiring and new plumbing--to be completed in the next few weeks.

The renovations, following a list drawn up by the Committee on Houses and Undergraduate Life (CHUL) and approved by Dean Rosovsky last spring, include complete rewiring in three of South House's six dorms and renovations in tutors' suites in both South and North House.

Francis A. Lawton, assistant dean of the Faculty for resources and facilities, said yesterday he expects the other three South House dorms, Briggs, Barnard and Cabot, to be rewired next summer unless CHUL changes its priorities.

Rulan C. Pian, master of South House, said yesterday she considers the rewiring crucial, because she believes the old electrical system constitutes a fire hazard.


"Things are on their way, but it's moving very slowly," she said.

Lawton said work on improvements in the appearance of North House's main entrance is planned for this fall.

J. Woodland Hastings, new master of North House, said yesterday that work there is underway, although it is not as extensive as the upgrading being done at South House.

Dean Fox has said he considers it essential to renovate South House if the Quad's general unpopularity is to end, because at present living conditions there are below those in the rest of the College.

Renovations at the Quad began last summer, when new rugs were put in North and South Houses, and many of the rooms were painted. Faculty administrators said last fall they expect to spend a total of at least $1 million on improving Quad facilities.
