
Crimson Swim Team Takes On Unexciting Brown Squad Today

The Crimson swimming team will meet rather unexciting Brown squad at 4 p.m. today in Brown's Colgate Hoyt Pool. The Bruins have accumulated a 7-4 record to date, and have managed to lower a number of school records during the course of the season.

But Brown is hardly a match for the powerful Crimson varsity. Their greatest boast is their captain, John Morris, who holds at the moment both the Brown university and pool records in the 220 yard freestyle. His time, 2:10.6, was probably bettered when the Bruins met Yale last week; Crimson star Bill Zentgraf, with a 2:04.6 already under his belt, should have little trouble with it. If Morris wins any event it will have to be the 440.

Chance in Last Event

Brown's 400 yard freestyle relay team may be able to pick up a few points, particularly since their event is the last of the meet, and Crimson coach Bill Brooks will probably not swim his first line relay against them. Bob Martin is highly touted in the individual medley but will be lucky to sneak away with a second.

In short, the Brown meet will be a good breather for the Crimson after the tense Princeton meet last Saturday. Brown can give the second string a good workout, and the varsity may come back to Cambridge with a few Brown pool records as a bonus.
