
Protesters Break Up Hearing On Med School Power Plant

When Murphy attempted to present his comments on what he called the "serious mistake" of building a large scale power plant in a hospital and residential area, residents refused vocally to let him do so, claiming that the meeting was not an official hearing until, held with Mission Hill planning commission comment.

The Massachusetts clearing house extended the deadline 15 days on the day following the hearing.

Grady said after the meeting "what we saw at Vanderbilt Hall was a small victory."

"It was important because it exposed the entire political nature of the process" of trying to erect the power plant, Grady said.

Although the plant construction is scheduled to begin by the end of the summer, some residents said last week they hope to stop the plant or at least get construction postponed until all the alternative to the plant are examined.


"Never, never will the plant begin to be built by the summer even if they have everybody's o.k.," Barbara Westmoreland, a resident of Mission Hill who attended the Mission Hill meeting, said Saturday.

Westmoreland said some residents are determined to check Harvard hospital expansion in the area and that they see the power plant as the center of the struggle.

Moulton said after the meeting. "It is important in my judgment that the facts of the impact statement were not discussed. It is unfortunate people did not have an opportunity to comment on the statement for the record."

Moulton said he wants to discuss the reasons for building the total energy plant because Harvard is convinced they are "sound reasons."

"Stopping the total energy plant will at this stage of the game create a power shortage by 1977," Moulton said.

Moulton said the MASCO plant would provide steam, hot water and refuse incineration to the $50-million Mission Hill housing project which is sponsored by Harvard and subsidized in part by federal and state agencies.

He said the project will supply 774 units of mixed income housing which would handle any residents displaced by the power plant's construction
