
HSA Fired General Manager, But Alleged That He Resigned

Jewett said yesterday that the switch from Nelson to Howe is "not going to save us any long run money."

Here or There

Howe said that he took the job with the understanding that he would get an assistant on July 1 to help with his duties as director of Student Employment, general manager of HSA and an admissions officer. The cost of the assistant would mean that the University would save nothing except perhaps a "thousand here or a thousand there," he said.

Nelson says in his letter, "When I arrived in 1970, I inherited a $35,000 operating loss. In fiscal '71 this was reduced to $12,000 and in fiscal '72, HSA had a $13,000 operating profit."

HSA did show an operating profit last year but, "It was due to a one-time contribution of back Social Security taxes which we had paid erroneously in previous years," Howe said yesterday.


Howe added, "HSA was definitely not a profit-making operation for the first nine months of this fiscal year."

Nelson said yesterday that 1972's profit was due "in part" to the returned Social Security tax money. But he added that there was "a basic turnaround at HSA under my direction.
