
Harvard Submits Hiring Plan To Satisfy HEW Guidelines

Thus, Harvard projects a 0.6 per cent increase in minority members, and a 0.5 per cent rise in women.

Out of 295 lecturers in the University, 52 are women and 40 are minority group members (11 of which are black women). The number of lectureships is expected to drop to 290 in the next two years, although 66 positions are expected to become available through turnover. Harvard projects an addition of one minority group member and three women in this category.

The report identifies administrative Corporation appointees as another "problem area." Seven minority group members and 17 women are now among the 94 "administrative managers" in the University. The University expects one minority group member to fill the one post opening up in the next year.

Harvard expects to create one deanship in the University in the next year, the report says, bringing the total to 18. There is currently one black dean and four women, with this status in all the faculties. All four women are Radcliffe deans.

The new deanship cited in the report most likely refers to a Radcliffe post being created this year. A woman is expected to fill this post.


HEW accepted portions of Harvard's affirmative action plan in September 1972, but said that the University must improve its maternity leave, nepotism and grievance procedure policies. HEW also found Harvard's job analysis and goals and timetables deficient.

In the past, a woman leaving work to bear a child forfeited her pay. The new policy treats maternity leaves the same as leaves for illnesses, allowing the woman to collect pay if her leave does not exceed the number of days allowed for sick leave.

The nepotism policy stated in the report is essentially the same as the one the University has always followed. Under the present policy, a person cannot work in a department under another member of his or her family except with permission from the "appropriate dean or vice president."

Harvard drafted a new grievance procedure last Fall, which has been accepted by HEW and is currently in use
