
Frosh Coach to Start Basketball Clinic for Poor

"I also think a coach must be able to talk to Harvard students about something more than athletics. I'm always open to talk to the kids about Gen Ed or anything else that will help me to develop a better relationship."


Harvey rejects the notion that his is a permissive philosophy.

"I think Harvard students want a demanding athletic program and a lot of good teaching. They don't want to goof off and they are willing to do hard work and can win consistently if they are properly motivated."

This year's freshman team only has a 4-4 record and Harvey admits that he had to work on the most basic fundamentals with his ballplayers. "The kids began to come around in the Dartmouth game which we only lost by 3 points. They started to box out well under the boards and also ran their plays perfectly. We're going into a difficult part of the season now, but I think we are improving rapidly."


As the freshman baseball coach last season, Harvey had a much better record. The squad was 13-1 and played almost flawless ball most of the season.

Unlike many basketball coaches who argue almost every call with the officials during games and bellow loudly at their players, Harvey feels that there is little point, in screaming during games.
