
Crimson Booters Rank Third in Poll But Rebuilding Job Looms for Munro

Manning this diagonal will be two returning starters. Captain Rick Scott and Brian Fearnett, veteran Rick LaCivita, and converted halfback Henry Sideropoulos. Sideropoulos' ability to successfully make the switch is also a key.

Goalie is another potential problem spot. The effect of the loss of Shop Messing remains to be seen, but the disaster many envisioned may have been premature. Junior Steve Kidder, Messing's backup last year, has the ability and appears to have the edge over Rick Salvato for the starting berth.

Right now he needs a certain amount of work but he has looked very good and there probably won't be as big a drop off as people think Munro said.

With the stress on teamwork and morale problem areas in some past years the addition of Chris Wilmot to the coaching staff will have a substantial effect on the team. He'll be a big plus and a very good asset for the team." Rick Scott said because he knows most of the players pretty well and will be able to relate to them.

The outlook in the Ivy League is uncertain. Penn and Cornell are rated co-favorites, with Harvard challenging, but the Crimson have a number of advantages. They play both the Quakers and the Big Red at home this year instead of on unfamiliar astro-turf or under the lights. The home advantage also brings with it a friendly crowd, which has an unmeasurable effect.


After only a week of practice and two days of scrimmages, the team scrimmaged Amherst on Saturday. With the regulars playing the first part the play was uneven. The offense overpassed and looked disorganized. Amherst get a goal against the second unit in the second segment, but when the first string came back in the final minutes, the team began to work more effectively.

After missing on his first five shorts, Adedeji finally connected for a goal. Within ten minutes he added two more and showed no signs of the groin injury which happened him last season. It was an encouraging few minutes.

Thus for the team has not sustained any major injuries, but a rash of injuries like the ones last season would cripple the team. Because the squad lacks overall depth. It must remain almost completely healthy to take the Ivy title. The talent is there, but whether it gets is difficult to tell, at least right now.
