
The Foreign Language Requirement

Pro, Con, and a Way Out

There have been suggestions for changing the language requirement to make it less abhorrent to so many people. Bolinger himself suggests offering courses such as black English to promote a better understanding of American minorities. Other possibilities include courses on a foreign culture in lieu of the language, or the abolition of the foreign language requirement altogether.

This last option has been accepted increasingly by colleges and universities around the country. According to a recent survey of 1,206 institutions of higher education by the Modern Language Association, 88.9 per cent had a foreign language requirement for the B.A. degree in 1966. But in 1971, only 76.7 per cent of these colleges and universities retained the requirement.

This tren towards abolition or reduction of the language requirement comed for several reasons. Dean Edward Sullivan of Princeton where the language requirement was doubled a few years ago points out that there is a growing opposition to academic restraints in general. He says that the foreign language requirements is the first to be assaulted because it is likely to be the most rigorous and the most visible.

Another reason which Bolinger points out is that a student who learns in a language class against his will is likely to bring down the level of the class. This unwillingness can stem from dislike of the language learning process or from more deeply rooted mental blocks.

Finally, there is the case of the student who simply finds it extremely difficult to learn a foreign language, but has no legitimate reason for exemption. Although may be very conscientious and spend a vastly disproportionate amount of time studying for his class, he is unable to complete the coursework competently. The student's other classes may suffer from this lack of attention. This raises the question of whether or not it is fair to require such a student to learn a foreign language.


Yet despite the trend towards liberalization of the language requirement, some professors, administrators and students uphold the requirement's status quo, or even advocate increasing its duration. Hugo H. Montero, lecturer on Romance Languages, gives three supporting arguments:

First, the necesity of learning a language would forward the goals of "one worldism" in this non-isolation era of constant, permeating world-wide communication. International cooperation can depend upon the communication between the world's people.

Second, knowledge of a foreign language gives the student a broader perspective of the world, necessary for an education, by introducing him to another culture.

Third, and based on the above two reasons, if Harvard, as one of the most prestigious American univesities, were to abolish its language requirement, a great many high schools might follow suit by cutting down on their language programs.

From a departmental point of view, the abolition of the language requirement could cause a decrease in enrollment in language classes. This might necessitate the dismissal, or half in hiring, of members of the teaching staff.

The Modern Language Association Survey showed that schools which have abolished their language requirements have, in general, experienced some decrease in language course enrollment. In a sample survey of 100 institutions they found that 25 per cent of college entrants attended language courses in 1965 when the requirement was intact. All of these institutions rescinded the language requirements in subsequent years, and in 1970, with no requirement, 14.9 per cent of entering students signed up for language courses.

Yale University, however, which abolished its foreign language requirement four years ago, has not experienced the same results. Grant Robley, the Yale registrar, says that the average enrollment in language classes has since decreased only slightly, and that there has been no great cut in the number of teaching personnel.

The existing language prerequisites for entrance to many graduate fields further complicates the possibilities for change or elimination of the language requirement. A student with no language preparation who decides upon a field of concentration which has a language prerequisite in the graduate field must take a foreign language. But if his decision to major in a particular subject is taken in his sophomore or junior year, the time-consuming language course may make his work load exceedingly strenuous, considering the concentration requirements which must also be fulfilled.

Victor H. Brombert, chairman of the Yale Romance Language Department says that this has not been a problem at Yale. He explains that advisors put pressure on all feshmen who do not have a knowledge of a foreign language to enroll in a language course. This is especially true for students considering the possibility of majoring in a subject with a language prerequisite.

Yet despite the absence of a language requirement at its fellow Ivy League school, Harvard is not likely to follow suit in the near future. W.C. Burris Young '55, assistant dean of Freshmen, states that as of now, there are no pending plans for change.

"The language requirement is there," he comments philosophically, "and it's simply a good idea to get it out of the way early."

Harvard students will continue to face the dilemma of the foreign language requirement for some time to come

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