
As Did "Harvard and the City,'

F. Skiddy von Stade, the Master of Master House, said that the new House would probably have to open in sections next Fall because construction was lagging behind schedule. Von Stade said that about 100 of the House's 340 students could move in next September, but that 150 more would have to wait until November and the remaining 140 might have to live elsewhere until January 1970.

Mrs. Bunting called a special meeting of the Radcliffe Trustees to consider the co-ed housing issue. The Radcliffe College Council had earlier heard student arguments for co-ed dorms and had asked the Trustees for advice.

Hungarian diplomats told the U.S. State Department that Henrietta Blueye was almost free. The Hungarians said that Miss Blueye's six-month prison term for smuggling refugees out of Hungary would be up on February 11.

February 6: Harvard Afro formally requested the University to cancel the Design School course on Urban Violence. The Afro statement said that the course would "devise programs to further contain and suppress Black people" and asked students to boycott it. The man who planned to give the course--Siegfried M. Breuning, a visiting lecturer in Transportation--said that none of the protesting students had brought any of their complaints to him. Breuning said that the course's specific focus was still flexible and that he would talk with students at the first course meeting to see what approach they wanted to take.

The staff of Soc Sci 125--a course on "The American Economy: Conflict and Power"--petitioned the CEP for a hearing on the role of grades in their course and at Harvard in general. The Soc Sci 125 petition said that the grading system was "abhorrent," that it created "an undesirable reward structure," and that it promoted an authoritarian relation between students and teachers.


Proctors in the freshman dorms agreed to remove parietals sign-in books. Only when the freshman decision was announced did most upperclassmen realize that sing-in books in the Houses had been gone for three weeks.

February 7: After 85 black students marched into the first meeting of the Design School's Urban Violence course, the instructor agreed to call off the course and instead conduct a seminar on how to develop an urban studies program at Harvard. The blacks read a statement demanding that the Administration withdraw the course and saying "if the course is not stopped, we will seek to stop it." Siegfried Breuning, the instructor, then met with a smaller group of the students and worked out plans for the urban studies seminar.

The Soc Rel Department approved a controversial "activist" section of Soc Rel 149. The department said that Peace and Freedom Party members could lead a section on "Community Organizing: The Fight For Rent Control in Cambridge" as long as the section's emphasis was on "intellectual content" and the section did not become a tool of the rent-control movement.

February 9: As the Faculty prepared for its meeting on Afro-American studies, Dean Ford again invited students to the meeting. Ford asked Afro to choose five representatives to come to the meeting and discuss their views of Afro-American studies programs proposed by the Rosovsky committee report.

Several Harvard-connected figures joined the new-born fight against the ABM. Mrs. Bunting and Abram J. Chayes, professor of Law, were among 44 founders of the New England Citizens Committee on the Anti-Ballistic Missile. At the same time, another Faculty member went to Washington to join the Nixon administration. Paul W. Cherington, James J. Hill Professor of Transportation, followed John Volpe to the Transportation Department and became Assistant Secretary of Transportation for Policy and International Affairs.

February 10: The Harvard-Radcliffe Policy Committee belatedly asked the Faculty to include some students on its new committee studying Faculty organization. When the Faculty step up the committee at its January 21 meeting, it specifically rejected proposals to seat students as voting members. Merle Fainsod, the committee's chairman, said that only a special Faculty vote would allow him to add students now.

As part of a long-term drive to ease the shortage of doctors from minority groups, the Med School announced plans for a Health Careers Summer Program to begin this year. Med School dean Dr. Robert Ebert said that the program would take black, Spanish-speaking, and American Indian students from high schools and colleges and give them special medical training in an eight-week summer program.

February 11: The Faculty voted unanimously to approve the Rosovsky committee's recommendations on Afro-American studies at Harvard. On two specific votes, the Faculty accepted plans for setting up a degree program in Afro-American Studies and creating a committee to revise African studies. The Faculty then voted to approve "in principle" all the other Rosovsky recommendations--including plans for a black student center, a fellowship program for black graduate students, and a student-Faculty "search" committee that would try to find Faculty members for the Afro-American Studies department by next fall. Most of Rosovsky's proposals met little resistance, but several Faculty members said they were concerned about the "separatist" implications of the black student center.

In the closing minutes of its meeting, the Faculty tabled a motion dealing with scholarships of Paine Hall demonstrators. Stanley Hoffmann introduced the resolution, which asked the Administration not to reduce scholarships of students placed on probation for the Paine Hall sit-in.

William Liller, Master of Adams House, tried to bring an undocketed resolution up for discussion, but his attempt failed when he could not get the necessary four-fifths vote to consider the motion. Liller planned to present the HRPC request for student membership on the new Fainsod committee studying Faculty organizations.

February 12: The Radcliffe Admissions Office compiled final application figures and said that 175 black students--more than twice as many as last year's 80--had applied for admission. Total 'Cliffe applications were up 5 per cent, from 2158 to 2650. Harvard application figures showed a 10 per cent rise, from 7405 last year to 8266 this year.

After 16 years, the Legal Aid Bureau at the Law School passed a resolution condemning an action it took during the McCarthy-era attacks on Campus Communists. The resolution deplored the Bureau's 1953 decision to expel the Lubell brothers--two Law School students who refused to answer question before Senator Joe McCarthy's committee.

Henrietta Blueye got out of jail in Hungary.

February 14: F. Skiddy von Stade called off an experimental program for letting Cliffies eat in the freshman Un-
