
Doty Says He Didn't Join Group Opposing War Vote

Only the day before. Doty had announced his support for the withdrawal resolution. He had originally been the only member of the Biochemistry Department to withhold support; he changed only after Ptashne reworded the resolution and included a preamble saying that the vote was not precedent-setting.

When Ptashne saw Dorfman's committee statement on Friday, he was "very much confused to see Doty's name there." He said that Dorfman "clearly expected us to accept his proposal and his document, especially when it bad Doty's name on it."

The next morning supporters of a formal Faculty vote were particularly incensed by a quote attributed to Dorfman in the Boston Globe. He said that their quibbling over the "technicality" of a formal Faculty vote "must be motivated by something other than obhorrence" of the war.

In light of the confusion over Doty's name, Ptashne said he thought Dorfman owed him an apology. "These men argue on extremely high principle, and then we find out that Doty's name shouldn't have been on the statement, and that Dorfman is questioning our motives in the Globe."

Dorfman denied last night that he had intended any deception in the use of Doty's name. Another one of the committee members had called Doty and reported that he wanted to be a member, he said,


"I was not trying to deceive anyone or to convince anyone on the strength of one signature, but only on the grounds of what would be the best action to take to unify the Faculty," Dorfman said last night.

As part of the negotiations over the war resolution, there was another meeting yesterday morning between Dean May and several Faculty members and students. May said he invited the participants-including Robert Wolff, Coolidge Professor of History and chairman of the Faculty's conservative caucus; John T. Dunlop, David A. Wells Professor of Political Economy; Michael Walzer, professor of Government and leader of the liberal caucus; several supporters of the resolution: and three students who are working for the October 15 Moratorium-to "see if there is any way the Faculty can act with unanimity."

Although May told the students that the Faculty's "internal rile" over the war resolution might hurt the Moratorium, the students reportedly told those at the meeting that they wanted the Faculty to hold a formal vote on the resolution.
