
The Liberal Challenge: State by State

Can They Take Control?

McCarthyites came close to taking the state convention delegation this probably as a significant minority. They control about one third of the party now according to McCarthy leader Tom Towe, a Billings lawyer. Though nothing definite has been decided, McCarthyites and some Kennedy supporters are talking of building a Montana Democratic Council along the lines of California. Party elections are in October, 1969--the liberal bid for power will probably come at the time. The old guard will put up a strong resistance.


A non-partisan legislature and local government make the party organization of little importance. The conservative Douglas County (Omaha--half the state) "courthouse gang" is about the only machine worth attacking. This the largely McCarthyite, newly-founded Nebraska Democratic Coalition is seeking to defeat in the April '69 Omaha mayoralty elections. Founded by Omaha lawyer Frank Martin Jr., the Coalition has brought in significant black support from the Northside ghetto of Omaha. The Kennedy forces who remained following the May primary have joined the Coalition. If the liberals take Omaha next year and can organize as well as they did in the '68 Presidential preference primary, then they will control the state.


There was little liberal anti-war McCarthy activity in the state his year. NDC national forces have no plans at this point of going into the state.


New Hampshire

McCarthy did much more than win forty-two per cent of the presidential primary vote last March; he brought about a revolution in the state party's politics on the side. McCarthy forces under the leadership of Dartmouth instructor David C. Hoeh, a congressional candidate, won about forty-five per cent of party precincts in an early September primary election. They are very close to electing a McCarthyite party chairman. Where most of Gene's organization last winter were out-of-state college students, the liberals have now developed native leadership in town after town. The Nixon landslide is expected to defeat Hoeh and most other major Democratic candidates; the McCarthy leadership just hopes to run ahead of other party candidates to prove the Granite State's dove power once again.

New Jersey

Even the regular party machine leaders believe that if Kennedy, McCarthy, and black community leaderships continue to work together, they can probably become the major force in the party. Recent elections have brought major setbacks leaving a semivacuum for the party. If the newly politicized McCarthy forces in suburban New York and Philadelphia will remain active in the party and run for office, they will change the whole nature of the party and will probably receive old guard backing. After the election, the Kennedy-McCarthy coalition of last summer will meet to plan further action. There is plenty to work for with Gov. Richard Hughes retiring. Next year is a gubernatorial and legislative election year.

New York

The only man who could bring any order to the state's byzantine party politics was assassinated in California in June. Liberals control the party to a certain extent, but their factionalization prevents any power plays on a national level at this point. Two coalitions of McCarthy and Kennedy forces are under way. The McCarthyite Coalition for a Democratic Alternative will probably die with party senatorial candidate Paul O'Dwyer's defeat in November. Though still in its formative stages, the Coalition for the Politics of the People hopes to become an issue-oriented reformist coalition in a state which has seen too many reform movements and many abortive coalitions. Stephen Smith, Paul O'Dwyer, Allard K. Lowenstein, and Percy Sutton are among the men to watch.

North Carolina

A white liberal-black coalition which fought a hard battle for McCarthy last summer controls about fifteen per cent of the party structure. The liberals are surprisingly well organized for such a Wallacite state. The coalition is strongest in Chapel Hill (the University of North Carolina), Durham, and to a certain extent Charlotte where a strong coalition came very close to winning last vear. The biracial forces will shoot for city posts in 1969 and seizure of country organizationa control whereever possible.

North Dakota

The McCarthy people put together a strong grass roots organization in the state this year. Future plans are not known at the present time.
